15 Mar 2024

iTOP for Students, January 2024, Riga

11:00 - 16:00 English

iTOP - individually Trained Oral Prophylaxis makes successful life-long oral hygiene possible!

iTOP stands for training to achieve nearly perfect oral hygiene. It includes the motivation to implement what’s been learned new every day, and pass it onto the patient. iTOP helps promote individual oral health and healthy teeth - lifelong!

 The seminar is split up into theoretical and practical work sessions.

 The theoretical part covers the arguments behind the iTOP philosophy and the criteria for selecting tools and techniques. This lecture is the basis for the second, practical part of the seminar.

After lunch, participants will receive practical instructions and work in small groups. During Touch to Teach (T2T) sessions, participants will learn and practice implementation and instruction skills.

The seminar is held by certified iTOP Lecturer Dr. Jurate Zekoniene. Lecturer also speaks Russian.




Riga Stradins University, Institute of Stomatology, Riga

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Ebene: iTOP für Studenten

Art der Veranstaltung: iTOP Course





+371 25455220

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  • Jūratė Žekonienė
    Jūratė Žekonienė
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