24 May 2022

Biofilm management in orthodontics

Webinar Recording

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Safe orthodontic journey through the eyes of periodontist, Part 1

A number of dental professionals worldwide expressed concern over complications due to patient’s poor oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment.

Fixed braces severely hinder correct biofilm removal, influence changes in biofilm composition and distribution and thus create a favorable condition for plaque to rapidly adhere and accumulate. As a result, enamel demineralization and gingivitis have been regarded as the most prevalent consequences of biofilm formation among orthodontic patients.

In general, clinicians provide routine oral hygiene instruction to orthodontic patients but the efficacy of OHI might be limited, as only individually created oral hygiene plan is sustainable.

Learning Objectives

Join the webinar to find out more about:
  • the most important features and differences of biofilm accumulation in orthodontic patients
  • the most effective way of managing biofilm  
  • how to select appropriate oral hygiene devices and techniques
  • how to create sustainable individual oral hygiene plan

About the Speaker

Dr Natasa Martic finished University of Dentistry in Serbia, Belgrade in 1991.

Specialization in Periodontology and Oral Medicine gained in 2001 and since than works daily with the patients with periodontal diseases.

She works in Public Health Center in Serbia as a specialist for periodontal diseases and in a general private practice as a consultant. 

Dr Natasa Martic is international iTOP lecturer and instructor and teaches colleagues and dental students in individual prophylaxis methods. She is leading iTOP Ortho seminars  - specialized course for biofilm management in orthodontic patients.

Dr Natasa speaks all Balkan languages, English and a little Spanish. She is married and have three sons.

Training Details


Recommended for

Dental professionals

Other healthcare professionals


Event Type: Webinar



Meet our Speaker

  • Nataša Martić
    Nataša Martić
    Spec. Dr. Stom.
    Spec. Dr. Stom. Nataša Martić is the Head of Department for Periodontology in the Health-Centar in Pančevo. She works in a private clinic as a Consultant in periodontology and oral medicine. International iTOP Lecturer since 2013.