Dental professionals
Level: iTOP Basic Slovakia
Event Type: iTOP Course
iTOP BASIC Košice, Slovakia
14-15 March 2025, Hotel Košice
FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 14th- 15th of March
08:00 – 08:30 registration of participants
08:30 – 12:00 iTOP Basic lecture with MDDr. Thomas Rozina
12:00 – 13:00 lunch
13:00 – 16:30 individual teeth brushing practice
The price includes lunch, coffee breaks, a package of Curaprox products intended for practical instruction and 125 interdental brushes in a handy box or ambulatory packs.
Participants arrange their own accommodation.
If you are interested in using points from the e-shop for experts, 100 points are worth €2 when purchasing iTOP.
The training is credited by the SKZL, SKMaTP, SKSaPA chambers.
You will be awarded 14 hours or 14 credits for this event.
Lecture iTOP Basic
Why do existing prevention often fail? Is the education of professionals in this field sufficient? At the lecture, we will also discuss in detail the formation of biofilm and dental plaque and the consequences for oral health. How can we control the coating mechanically and chemically? What are the correct and incorrect techniques and aids in oral hygiene?
Dental professionals
Level: iTOP Basic Slovakia
Event Type: iTOP Course