レベル: iTOP Ortho
イベントタイプ: iTOP Course
Fixed orthodontic appliances hamper oral hygiene procedures. The consequences are gingivitis and white spot lesions. Fifty to 70% of patients treated with braces encounter these problems. Initial education and motivation for oral hygiene depend on two categories of factors: firstly, practical prophylactic measures (instruments and medication, professional care) and secondly, the educational component: choice of communication technique, frequency, and nature of hygiene instructions.
The same goes for patients with implants. As dental implant treatment has become a part of mainstream dental treatment, it is imperative to implement dental implant maintenance guidelines to achieve the long-term success of implant prostheses. Earlier, the success of a dental implant was mainly focused on the surgical phase to achieve good primary stability; with time, this belief has taken a significant paradigm shift towards implementing and ensuring a periodic recall and following the maintenance phase for dental implants to achieve long-term success. As the dental team strives to attain and maintain the long-term success of implant prostheses, the patient should also recognise that their contribution toward implant prostheses’ success is equally indispensable.
South Africa
レベル: iTOP Ortho
イベントタイプ: iTOP Course