08 May 2018

The link between Egyptian architecture and modern periodontics

14:00 America/Toronto English

Webinar Recording

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The link between Egyptian architecture and modern periodontics

Accompanied by a radiographic status and clinical slides of the mouth, the periodontal chart is helpful when discussing inter-disciplinary treatment planning. What is the sequence of the protocol and where exactly does the data have to be filled? Which parameters are registered and what is the value set of each parameters? Within the webinar, the handling of particularities such as charting implants or root-amputated natural teeth will be discussed. Tips and tricks may facilitate the task and finally, to be certain of the accuracy of your results, double checking and calibrating together with a colleague is always recommended.


Furthermore, in more experienced hands, a periodontal chart is helpful to estimate risk assessment.




活动形式: Webinar




  • Eric Thevissen
    Eric Thevissen
    Dr. Eric Thevissen did his master’s degree in Dentistry at KULeuven 1983 and the Master of Science in Perioddontiology 1986. He is a Lecturer at Bachelor program for oral hygienists at UCLL in Leuven, Belgium and iTOP lecturer.