23 Oct 2024

iTOP Introductory [CLONED]

13:30 - 18:30 English

iTOP Introductory course is a one-day course intended for dental professionals and provides practical knowledge for daily biofilm management and optimal motivation of the patients.

The introductory programme explores the current shortcomings of daily dental prophylaxis and prophylactic education. It teaches how to improve oral health by practicing proper techniques and using the right oral hygiene tools.

Participants will learn both the research-based background and, even more importantly, the practical aspects of biofilm control via the Touch-to-Teach(T2T) method.

Even during the seminar, you’ll experience a new side to oral hygiene.

At iTOP, we’re convinced that you can’t learn the proper brushing technique from the book. That’s why we use the «Touch to Teach» method and put the right techniques into practice. You’ll be supported by certified instructors during the practice.

More patients and more satisfied patients.

Experience shows: iTOP brings more patients to your practice and increases patient satisfaction. iTOP also positively affects the work atmosphere.

Worldwide, over 20,000 dental professionals have visited iTOP and are working hard every day to improve their patients’ oral hygiene habits in the long run.


• Theoretical introduction to today’s situation in dentistry and patient education

• Problems: daily biofilm management

• Criteria for selecting oral hygiene tools and techniques.

• «Touch to Teach»: individual prophylaxis coaching by certified instructors

• Practical training in small groups

Цели обучения

  • Participants understand the problems associated with biofilm and are familiar with the importance of individually trained oral prophylaxis.
  • Master the most important techniques using toothbrushes and interdental brushes.  
  • Recognize the importance of acceptance and success as the basis of an oral hygiene that’s both effective and fun.

Детали обучения


United Arab Emirates

City University of Ajman, Ajman

Рекомендуется для

Студенты (Стоматология, DH)

Уровень: iTOP for Students

Тип события: iTOP Course



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  • Dóra Tihanyi
    Dóra Tihanyi
    Dr. Dóra Tihanyi is a Guest-Lecturer at Semmelweis University in Hungary and Head of Periodontist at a private clinic, Denteam Dental. She is international iTOP Lecturer since 2009.