Стоматологические специалисты
Другие медицинские работники
Студенты (Стоматология, DH)
Тип события: Webinar
Periodontic-orthodontic interrelationship has been subject to a lot of investigation until today and it is a still controversial issue. It is well known that patients undergoing orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances are at risk for developing gingival inflammation because of the increased challenge to oral hygiene. On the other hand, orthodontic force application induces aseptic local inflammation due to necrosis in the periodontal ligament (PDL) promoting a new condition in dentistry named Orthodontitis.
The lecture will also touch questions like, who is responsible for training in oral hygiene, when to start, how to implement individual biofilm management in practice, how to manage time for training, what are the specifics of ortho patients regarding their motivation.
Стоматологические специалисты
Другие медицинские работники
Студенты (Стоматология, DH)
Тип события: Webinar